Pumping your septic every 1-2 years can increase the life of your septic system and reduce potential emergencies.
Adding risers to your septic tank saves time and money by emlinating locating and digging fees and in the event of an emergency no matter if the grounds frozen or not you have easy access and can see the location.
Always put plow stakes in the location of your septic lids before the ground freezes and it snows.
Avoiding flushing wipes even though they say (flushable) can reduce the possibility of a clogged line or mainline backup.
Never put grease, oil, or fats down the drain.
Scheduling your annual or biennial septic maintenance one month in advance before your due date and before the winter months can save hundreds in emergency fees in the event of a backup.
Single ply toilet paper can help avoid clogs.
Do not flush feminine products.
Spacing out laundry cycles between loads can help keep your septic operating smooth.
Limited use of the garbage disposal can help reduce clogs.